Sealing the joints

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Sealing the joints

You just installed new gyproc? You may know that painting is pointless if the work area is not adequately prepared, whatever the surface may be. Let’s take sealing the joints or drywalling as an example. Who hasn’t ever seen a freshly painted wall that spoke volumes about the skills of the workers responsible for sealing the joints?

The Peintres LGL team likes to focus on the preconditions for quality work. To point out yet again, if the visual component is important to you, an expert joint sealer needs to be hired. Our professionals are skilled and patient when it comes to this field. They handle the trowel skillfully, which means that they conceal the joints beautifully, so that nothing can be seen.

Sealing joints requires precision. Peintres LGL has teams of experts that make sure that all the necessary steps on the path to painting and repair work are completed well.

This perhaps explains why our local professionals are considered to have truly enviable expertise in the area. After all, the sealing is an extremely important aspect in wall finishing, with new or old plastering alike.

An outstanding team of plasterers

The Peintres LGL plastering experts have all the competences necessary to repair and finish brick walls, sills, concrete, and plaster. Whatever the nature of your project, it will be finalized beautifully once and for all.

You don’t like surprises? We do not either. This is why we make sure to always deliver top quality work to meet your needs within your budget. Your satisfaction is at the core of our commitment. An interesting statistic is that 30 percent of our clientele is made up of people recommended to use our services by our existing satisfied customers. That includes that majority of our joint sealing projects.

Do not hesitate to contact our team with any questions regarding the sealing and our other services, for Information about our warranty, liability insurance, etc. You can have complete confidence in Peintres LGL. We serve the Montreal area and surroundings.



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- Up to 3 years guarantee on our work
- Satisfaction guaranteed
- Liability insurance of $ 2,000,000
- Responsible and environmentally debris

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